How to get rid of bookworms

Bookworms appearing in your home can be irritating when you consider the havoc they create by damaging your books and wooden furniture. These pests, also mistaken for booklice, flourish in damp places because their diet consists of paper, glue, and mould. If not gotten rid of, these tiny pests can destroy valuable documents and books. Not only libraries and archives but also even homes turn into an easy target for bookworms. 

This means that without proper attention, the books may face irreversible damage.

In this article, we will cover steps to kill bookworms no matter how minor the infestation, as well as enlist the services of professional pest control companies such as home pest control services and termite treatment service in Kolkata.

How to get rid of bookworms naturally?

If you do wish to employ non-chemical means to remove bookworms, you should implement measures like reducing moisture, improving ventilation, and cleaning the surface of shelves that hold books. Other pest-repelling techniques like freezing books that have been infested and essential oils also tend to work. Other than that, for those who have books sitting in damp places, exposing the book to direct sunlight for a few hours can help eliminate moisture and pest activity.

Key steps to get rid of bookworms:

Once you follow the measures listed below, you will have an easier time getting rid of bookworms:

Lower Humidity Levels:

Increased moisture allows bookworms to reproduce faster. Increased humidity creates mould and mildew breeding grounds, which bookworms adore. To solve this issue, a humidifier should be used to keep the indoor humidity below 50%. Machine, silica gel packets can also be placed on bookshelves so that excess moisture can be absorbed. Silica gel packets keep books from getting moisture damaged. Proper ventilation should also be ensured in places where books are stored so that the moisture level does not rise.

Frequently Clean Your Space:

With frequent vacuuming, dust, mould, and bookworm larvae are eliminated. Make sure to keep a close eye on bookshelves, carpets, and places where creatures can easily hide. A HEPA filter vacuum should be used, as it is very effective in capturing microscopic pests and stopping them from spreading. Immediately dispose of vacuum bags in order to stop infestation because bookworms can crawl into neglected bookshelves very easily.

Clean Infested Areas:

Relentlessly challenging habitats require proper management, and infested areas dealing with bookworms are ones where certain measures need to be adopted. To begin, using a damp cloth with mild disinfectants will wipe bookshelves and storage areas, including the furniture. Regular cleaning will ensure mildew formation is diminished due to the riddance of bookworms.

Further, making a habit of dusting off books from time to time while also leafing through the pages allows the early signs of infestation to be picked up.

Artificial scent oils such as lavender and eucalyptus can also be effective, given their strong scents make it difficult for the bookworms to reside.

Seal Cracks and Crevices:

Places of furniture such as shelves and even floorboards tend to have crevices that are often preferred by worms to bury themselves into. A far cheaper and more efficient solution would be utilising wood putty or other types of sealing material to cover any wooden furniture openings. Using caulking helps prevent worms or any type of pest from nesting further, which will only spread the infestation.

In addition, ensuring targeted insulation will help in sealing remaining wall gaps, aiding in diminishing the entry of more pests.

Discard Heavily Infested Items:

Such measures are a last resort but are sometimes required to mitigate the scattering of pests. When dealing with books, if they are heavily infested, tossing them is the most efficient solution. Keeping the book within reach is synonymous with allowing other books to be infested, so they need to be wrapped in plastic bags before being thrown away to minimise infestation.

If the book contains some historical or emotional value, speaking with a professional book conservator helps, as they can evaluate the condition and provide the correct restoration steps.

Freeze items with Infestation Should:

To kill bookworms and their larvae, you can place infested books inside a freezer. Make sure the temperature is set to at least -18 degrees Celsius (-0.4 degrees Fahrenheit) and keep it there for 48 hours. This method is particularly useful when targeting rare or antique books that cannot be treated with insecticides.

After the books have been taken out of the freezer, ensure they are returned to room temperature gradually instead of all at once to prevent condensation from forming on the pages.

Using Insecticides:

If the infestation is severe, consider using insecticides; however, make sure that the products you choose are safe to use on books, such as diatomaceous earth or boric acid. Ensure that the powders are applied lightly to places where bookworm activities are noted. You can also contact professional home pest control services, as they have the right tools and knowledge to exterminate pests tailored to the specific needs of your home. Take caution with the amount of insecticides being used on homes as well as books.


What Kills Booklice Instantly?

Pyrid is an insecticide that can kill booklice with high levels of efficiency. It can be used in the form of a space spray over books that have not been affected or sprayed directly to the shelves and storage spots where books are kept. For the best results, treat the crevices and cracks in bookshelves and storage places as well. This preventative treatment helps avoid the spread of the infestations booklice causes.

Alternative treatments include using neem oil combined with baking soda. Neem oil has insect repellent characteristics, while baking soda can absorb moisture and kill the booklice over a prolonged period.

Can Booklice Be Found in Your Bed?

Booklice infest a damp area, so a bookshelf is one of the places where they can be found lurking. They can spread to the bedding but only under humid conditions. Because these pests are water and moisture seeking, if your bed is set up in a humid place, they can settle in your mattress, sheets, or even the wooden frame of the bed. 

Once you spot booklice, in order to get rid of bookworms, the humidity should be reduced, and the bedding should be cleaned thoroughly. Booklice infestation can also be avoided by regularly washing sheets and sleeping under a mattress cover.

Approximately 1.5% to 3.8% of books are infested by pests each year, affecting millions of books globally. Libraries, archives, and private collections are particularly at risk, resulting in considerable financial losses. Preventive pest control is important to the preservation of books.

How to Get Rid of Booklice Permanently?

To eliminate booklice permanently, consider the use of artificial techniques such as dehumidifiers, desiccants, and book-safe insecticides. In addition, professional services like termite treatment service in Kolkata offer comprehensive pest control measures to stop the infliction of a new infestation. Staying dry and good ventilation helps in keeping book lice away. It is advisable to monitor regularly and make good storage arrangements for books.


Bookworms and booklice can be a menace to your book collection and house. However, you can prevent these pests by reducing the humidity levels within your house, cleaning your premises regularly, and using home pest control measures. For victims of long-term trouble, professional services like termite treatment service in Kolkata can help solve the problem in short order. Golden Pest Solutions is one of the leading providers of home pest control services, including care for the books to keep those destructive pests away.

Provided with a specialised solution for prevention of infestation of the book. With them, you can rest assured legitimate pests will not ruin your books ever again. Take action so bookworms do not ruin the value of your collection.